Sneade’s Ace Home Center is the place for choosing the right bird product for your home. We also help with bird identification and help find the most common backyard birds, and their food and feeder preference.
Bird Identification |
Food Preference |
Feeder |
ACE Suggested Food |
Northern Cardinal
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Sunflower, safflower, peanuts, insects, cracked corn, white millet, white bread, melon seeds, raisins |
Prefers the ground and low tray or post feeders, will come to a tube feeder with a tray |
Kaytee Cardinals, Kaytee Birders’ Blend, LYRIC Cardinal Wild Bird Food, Kaytee Wild Bird Food |
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
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Sunflower, safflower, grape jelly, sugar water, insects, peanut hearts, raisins |
Tray and post feeders, hanging feeders with perches, tube feeders with trays |
Kaytee Premium Black Oil Sunflower, Kaytee Striped Sunflower Seed, Kaytee Nutty Nugget Blend |
Indigo Bunting |
Red and white millet, chopped peanuts, pecan meats, insects, thistle seed |
Prefers the ground; will come to tray, hanging feeders |
Kaytee Cracked Corn, Kaytee Nyjer Seed, Kaytee Finch Feeder, Kaytee Wild Finches, Kaytee Waste Free |
Evening Grosbeak |
Sunflower, safflower, insects, apple seeds, peanuts, wheat, sorghum, melon seeds |
High post, hanging and tube feeders |
Kaytee Premium Black Oil Sunflower, Kaytee Striped Sunflower Seed, Kaytee Safflower Seed, Kaytee Songbirds, Kaytee Birder’s Blend |
Purple Finch |
Sunflower, afflower, thistle, insects, peanuts, suet mixtures, white and red millet |
High post, hanging and tube feeders |
Kaytee Wild Finches, Kaytee Birder’s Blend, Kaytee Waste Free, Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend, LYRIC Finch Wild Bird Food
House Finch |
Sunflower, thistle, white millet, fruits, nutmeats, insects, suet and suet mixtures |
Thistle, tube post and window feeders, the ground |
Kaytee Premium Black Oil Sunflower, Kaytee Wild Finches, Kaytee Birders’ Blend, Kaytee Waste Free, LYRICFinch Wild Bird Food |
Pine Grosbeak |
Mountain ash berries, cranberries, pine seeds, sunflower, apple slices, samaras of ash and maple, insects |
Feed must be out in the open on the ground or in a tray |
Kaytee Striped Sunflower Seed, Kaytee Safflower Seed, Kaytee Songbirds |
Common Redpoll |
Hulled sunflower, thistle, suet, insects, white bread |
Post, hanging, tube, thistle and window feeders, the ground |
Kaytee Nyjer Seed, Kaytee Finch Feeder, Kaytee Wild Finches, Kaytee Wild Cardinals, LYRICFinch Wild Bird Food |
Pine Siskin |
Thistle, hulled sunflower, white millet, insects, ashes, salt |
Tube, thistle, window and post feeders |
Kaytee Premium Black Oil Sunflower, Kaytee Nyjer Seed, Kaytee Finch Feeder, Kaytee Wild Finches, LYRICFinch Wild Bird Food |
American Goldfinch |
Thistle, hulled sunflower, sunflower, insects, weed seeds, cracked nutmeats |
Thistle, window, tube, post and hanging feeders |
Kaytee Sunflower Hearts & Chips, Kaytee Nyjer Seed, LYRICFinch Wild Bird Food |
White-Winged and Red Crossbill |
Sunflower, thistle, nutmeats, pine seeds, insects, salt, doughnuts |
Thistle, post, hanging and tube feeders, the ground |
Kaytee Birders’ Blend, Kaytee Chickadee & Nuthatch, Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend, Kaytee Nut & Raisin Blend, Kaytee Songbirds |
Common Crow |
Corn, suet, white bread, meat scraps, grain, eggs and young of other birds, carrion, insects |
Suet feeders, low feeders, the ground |
Black-capped Chickadee |
Sunflower, safflower, suet and suet mixtures, peanuts, thistle, peanut butter, insects, sugar water, pie crust |
All types of feeders, the ground |
Kaytee Wild Bird Food, Kaytee Sunflower Hearts & Chips, LYRIC® Chickadee Wild Bird Food |
Tufted Titmouse |
Sunflower, suet and suet mixtures, nutmeats, baked goods, cornbread, cookie crumbs, insects, sugar water |
Prefers small hanging and log feeders, tray and hummingbird feeders, the ground |
Kaytee Songbirds™, Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend™, LYRIC® Chickadee Wild Bird Food |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
Sunflower, safflower, suet and suet mixtures, peanuts, peanut butter, insects, pumpkin seeds |
Almost all feeders, including suet, ground, hanging, post, window and peanut feeders |
Kaytee Premium Black Oil Sunflower, Kaytee Birders’ Blend, Kaytee Waste Free, LYRIC® Chickadee Wild Bird Food |
Red-breasted Nuthatch |
Sunflower, suet and suet mixtures, peanuts, nutmeats, melon seeds, pine seeds, insects |
Suet , peanut, hanging and platform feeders |
Kaytee Birders’ Blend, Kaytee Waste Free, Kaytee Nutty Nugget Blend, Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend™, LYRIC® Chickadee Wild Bird Food |
Brown Creeper |
Suet and suet mixtures, peanut butter, peanut hearts, insects, boiled potato |
Feed should be placed in bark crevices |
Gray Catbird |
Raisins, currants, peanut butter, insects, banana, peanuts, cottage cheese, apples, jelly, suet |
Suet, tray, hanging and hummingbird feeders, the ground |
Brown Thrasher |
Cracked corn, suet and suet mixtures, raisins, peanuts, white bread, sunflower, doughnuts, orange halves, white and red millet, insects, cornbread |
Prefers the ground, but will also come to low tray or platform feeders. |
American Robin |
Worms, insects, apple slices, raisins, grapes, raspberries, bread, cherries, cottage cheese, cooked spaghetti, strawberries |
The ground, low post or tray feeders (if it comes at all) |
Eastern Bluebird |
Peanuts, pecan meats, suet and suet mixtures, white bread, raisins, cornbread, insects, baked apple, berries, cottage cheese |
Suet, window, tray and post feeders; some hanging feeders |
Golden-crowned Kinglet & Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
Suet and suet mixtures, insects, peanut butter, cracked corn, doughnuts, cornbread |
Almost any type of feeder |
Cedar Waxwing |
Insects, berries, raisins, apple slices |
Tray feeder (if it comes at all) |
European Starling |
Suet and suet mixtures, white bread, peanuts, peanut butter, cracked corn, hulled sunflower, cheese, insects, apples. Baked goods |
Almost any type of feeder |
Orange-crowned, Cape May, Yellow-rumped, Pine Warblers |
Sugar water, suet and suet mixtures, peanut butter, chopped nutmeats, insects, grape jelly, peanuts, orange and apple halves, baked goods, raisins, cornmeal |
Tray, post, suet, hummingbird and small hanging feeders |
House Sparrow |
Hulled sunflower, cracked corn, white and red millet, insects, wheat |
Prefers the ground, will come to low tray feeders or tube feeders with trays |
Kaytee Wild Bird Food |
Eastern & Western Meadowlark |
White millet, cracked corn, sunflower, wheat, oats, barley, insects, sorghum |
Rarely attracted to feeders, but may visit feed spread on the ground or in slight elevated tray feeders |
Red-winged Blackbird |
Insects, cracked corn, white millet, sunflower, white bread, rice, thistle, safflower |
Prefers the ground; has learned to use most feeders |
Northern Oriole |
Insects, fruits, nectar, grape jelly, white and red millet, orange halves, grapes, cooked raisins, sugar water (four parts water, one part sugar) |
Oriole and jelly feeders, hummingbird feeders with bee guards removed |
Kaytee Songbirds™ |
Common Grackle |
Sunflower, peanuts, white bread, corn, wheat, oats, barley, white and red millet, suet, insects, grubs |
Hanging, post and tray feeders, the ground |
Brown-headed Cowbird |
Cracked corn, rice, white millet, sunflower, peanuts, cornbread, white bread, insects, sorghum, pecan meats |
On the ground in the open; large, open tray feeders, small hanging feeders |
Scarlet Tanager |
Sliced apple, banana, cherries, sugar water, jelly, raisins, suet, cornbread, pie crust, white and brown sugar, insects |
Tray, suet, hummingbird and window (tray) feeders, the ground |
Kaytee Songbirds |
Rufous-Sided Towhee |
Sunflower, white and red millet, thistle, rolled oats, grapes, barley, white bread, insects, suet and suet mixtures |
Prefers the ground near brush or a brush pile, tray on low posts |
Kaytee Premium Black Oil Sunflower, Kaytee Cracked Corn, LYRICSnowbird Wild Bird Food |
Dark-Eyed Junco |
White and red millet, cracked corn, hulled sunflower, insects, white bread, peanuts, Sorghum |
Loves the ground, but also likes low tray feeders |
Kaytee Sunflower Hearts & Chips, Kaytee Waste Free, Kaytee Nut & Raisin Blend, LYRICSnowbird Wild Bird Food |
American Tree Sparrow |
Hulled sunflower, white millet, white bread, insects, cracked corn |
Prefers the ground, also likes open tray, post hangers, some hanging feeders with trays |
Kaytee Wild Bird Food, Kaytee Songbirds, Kaytee Waste Free, LYRIC Supreme Wild Bird Food |
Chipping Sparrow |
Insects, cornbread, hulled sunflower, peanut hearts, white bread, cracker crumbs, bakery products, grass seeds white and red millet |
Prefers the ground, but will also visit low tray feeders |
Kaytee Wild Bird Food, LYRIC Supreme Wild Bird Food |
White-Throated/ White-Crowned Sparrow |
White and red millet, cracked corn, hulled sunflower, thistle, insects, peanut hearts, white bread |
Prefers the ground, but will visit low tray feeders |
Kaytee Wild Bird Food, LYRICSnowbird Wild Bird Food |
Fox Sparrow |
Sunflower, white millet, suet, doughnuts, white bread, cracked corn, insects
Almost always feeds on the ground |
Kaytee Wild Bird Food, LYRIC Supreme Wild Bird Food |
Song Sparrow |
Sunflower, sorghum, white millet, thistle, peanut hearts, walnut meats, white bread, insects |
Prefers the ground, but will also visit low tray feeders |
Kaytee Wild Bird Food, LYRICSnowbird Wild Bird Food |
Ring-Necked Pheasant |
Corn, sunflower, wheat, safflower, oats, barley, sorghum, insects |
Feed should be thrown on the ground or in an area clear of snow |
Ducks & Geese |
Corn, wheat, acorns, pond weeds, insects, bread
Feed should be placed on the ground |
Purple Martin, Tree & Barn Swallow |
Flying insects, hicken eggshells (crushed)
Place the egg shells on the ground or in an open tray feeder |
Kaytee Wild Bird Food, Kaytee Songbirds, Kaytee Waste Free |
Mourning Dove |
Cracked corn, white and red millet, safflower, thistle, wheat
Prefers the ground, will come to low tray/post feeders |
Kaytee Cracked Corn, LYRICSnowbird Wild Bird Food |
Rock Dove |
White bread, corn, white and red millet, rice, grain
Low tray feeders, the ground |
Kaytee Wild Bird Food, Kaytee Premium Black Oil Sunflower, Kaytee Striped Sunflower Seed, Kaytee Safflower Seed, LYRIC Supreme Wild Bird Food |
Ruby-Throated Hummingbird |
Flower nectar, insects, sugar water (four parts water, one part sugar) |
Hanging and window hummingbird feeders |
Northern Flicker |
Suet, fat mixtures, meat scraps, ants, cracked walnuts and pecans, orange and apple slices, corn, cherries, grapes, white bread |
Suet feeders which are attached to tree trunks, log and hanging feeders |
Pileated Woodpecker |
Suet and suet mixtures, peanuts, cracked corn, insects, ants, hamburger
Suet and tray feeders fastened to tree trunks |
Kaytee Cracked Corn, Kaytee Woodpeckers, Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend, LYRICWoodpecker Wild Bird Food |
Red-Bellied Woodpecker |
Suet and suet mixtures, cheese, raisins, cracked corn, peanuts, sunflower, orange and apple halves, sugar water, insects. |
Suet, platform, post, hanging and hummingbird feeders |
Kaytee Cracked Corn, Kaytee Woodpeckers, LYRICWoodpecker Wild Bird Food |
Red-Headed Woodpecker |
Sunflower, cracked corn, raisins, bread, nutmeats, suet, insects, sugar water
Suet, log and tray feeders, the ground |
Kaytee Songbirds, Kaytee Woodpeckers, Kaytee Nutty Nugget Blend, Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend, LYRICWoodpecker Wild Bird Food |
Yellow-Bellied Woodpecker |
Suet and suet mixtures, grape jelly, doughnuts, insects, sugar water
Suet and hummingbird feeders, hanging log feeders, small tray feeders |
Kaytee Woodpeckers, Kaytee Nutty Nugget Blend, Kaytee Nut & Berry Blend, LYRICWoodpecker Wild Bird Food
Downy and Hairy Woodpecker |
Insects, suet and suet mixtures, peanuts, hulled sunflower, peanut butter, cracked corn, coconut, fats, nutmeats, cheese
Suet, peanut and post feeders, hanging log feeders |
Kaytee Cracked Corn, Kaytee Songbirds, Kaytee Woodpeckers, LYRICWoodpecker Wild Bird Food |
Table scraps, bread, suet and suet mixtures, cooked oatmeal, crackers, fat mixtures, banana, grapes, insects
No preference, it will take food wherever it is placed |
Kaytee Striped Sunflower Seed, Kaytee Safflower Seed, Kaytee Cracked Corn, LYRICCardinal Wild Bird Food |
Insects, whole corn, sunflower, suet and suet mixtures, peanuts (with or without shell), young birds, cracked nutmeats
Prefers the ground, but will come to almost any seed or suet feeder |
Kaytee Striped Sunflower Seed, Kaytee Songbirds, LYRICCardinal Wild Bird Food |