Age Appropriate Chores for Your Kids
Do your little ones balk when you ask them to chip in around the house? Do you find that you are spending your valuable time repeating the same household tasks with little or no help? What are the reasons your kids never seem to pitch in? Do they take too long? Do they not perform the task “the right way?” Do you think it is easier if you just handle it yourself?
Well, believe it or not, you may be putting your children at a disadvantage. You can have kids as young as two years old help around the house. Chores help your youngsters learn responsibility and the value of teamwork. You are giving them the skills necessary so they can care for themselves and their future families. Here is an excellent approach to enlist everyone’s help along with a chart of age appropriate chores for the whole family.
Let go of Perfect
Perfection is not the most important aspect of your kiddos chipping in. Let go! It is far better to have a more relaxed attitude. Also, avoid the urge to jump in and take over the task, which sabotages the learning aspect.
The Earlier, the Better
Think your child is too young to do chores? Think again. Children as old as two can perform simple duties, like putting toys away. Don’t wait until you think they are “ready.” Kids learn by doing.
Praise and Compliments
Make sure to praise your child as they are doing the chores. No need to wait until they are finished. Encourage and inspire them as they work.
Make it Fun
Sing songs, be a little silly, draw up an accomplishment chart, or create friendly competition. One of the best things about cleaning is that it offers an instant reward. You can see the progress of your work immediately. But, remember, above all else, don’t compare children, or say one is better than the other.
Consistency is Key
Follow through with regular chores. Avoid putting it off, or allowing your kids to whine or make excuses to get out of work. Help out a bit to get them started; then encourage them to take over. It may take a few times, but eventually, they will be proud of a job well done.
Try to Break it Down
Cleaning can be overwhelming for children. Instead of saying, “go clean your room!” Break it down into simple tasks. For example, start with gathering dirty laundry. Next, make the bed. Last put toys in the toy box. And, voila! The room is cleaned up! Have your child check-in between each task.
As you can see from the chart below, there is a variety of age appropriate chores that you can encourage your kids to get started on today!
Sneade’s Ace Home Center has a great selection of your favorite cleaning brands , plus specialty products, too. Our aisles are filled with interesting items, many you would not expect to find at a typical hardware store. Bring your children in with you and show them that you value their choices. Have them take part in the whole experience. Let them see why Sneade’s Ace Home Center is your favorite place!