While these types of bulbs are certainly more efficient than the incandescent they were made to replace, halogens emit considerable heat and compact fluorescent contain mercury, which can pose breakage and disposal issues. LEDs (light-emitting diodes), on the other hand, run cool, safely, and seemingly forever. In fact, LED bulbs are designed to last 24,000 hours. Moreover, according to the Department of Energy, with the rapid adoption of LED bulbs, electricity demand for lighting in the United States could be reduced by one-third by 2027.
Choosing a light bulb used to be so simple. Now it’s a complex question of efficiency versus esthetics and prices versus environmental impact. Lucky for you, there’s expert help at hand. Our on-staff experts can help you navigate the now-complex matter of choosing a light bulb. Just like we can help you with anything in our extensive selection of hardware and tools.
HINT: Because LEDs are currently considerable more expensive than either halogen or compact fluorescent, concentrate on placing LED bulbs in hard-to-reach places or heavily used areas.